Munich Medical Research School

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Doctoral students at the Faculty of Medicine, regardless of which doctoral degree they are aiming for, have access to a wide range of information and qualification opportunities both within and outside LMU. Here are a few examples:

MMRS Online Course "Good Scientific Practice"
Every semester an asynchronous online course on topics of good scientific practice is offered as part of the interdisciplinary curriculum.

LMU Graduate Center Online Course "Scientific Integrity and Good Scientific Practice"

In four different modules, basic concepts and terminology are presented that are of central importance for responsible action in research and science. The duration of each module is about 30 minutes.

LMU Graduate Center
The GraduateCenter offers a variety of workshops for interdisciplinary continuing education. The topics range from working techniques and methods to communication and presentation as well as career entry and career. The series of events "Kurz & bündig" also provides (future) doctoral students with information, food for thought and tips on various topics that may be relevant during the doctoral period.

LMU Graduate Center - Doktorand*innentag 2022 – Promovieren in der Krise?
Doctoral candidates are confronted with crises in many ways – in their academic work, in their everyday doctoral life, or in the world around them. This year's Doktorand*innentag from October 11 to 13, 2022, aims to address different aspects of "crisis", invite exchange and provide food for thought on how to deal with them constructively.
In addition to lectures, mini-workshops and a range of other interactive formats, we will run a GC Science Slam for the first time.

LMU Extra
The LMU University Women's Office offers the LMU Extra program for young female scientists from the final phase of their doctorate onwards who are aiming for a professorship.

Continuing education program offered by the University Women's Representative for LMU students.

LMU podcast series "Guide to scientific work"
LMU's Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine has created a podcast series for medical students. The goal is to provide students with a didactic guide to writing a medical dissertation, providing you with all the information you need about writing a scientific paper in a targeted and straightforward manner.

LMU Center for Leadership and People Management
Seminars on leadership skills are offered by the LMU Center for Leadership and People Management.

EUGLOH (European University Alliance for Global Health)
EUGLOH brings together five universities from across Europe, including the LMU. Combining their outstanding expertise in Global Health, EUGLOH is creating opportunities for short-term mobilities, such as workshops, summer schools, internships and conferences across its network.

LMU Open Science Center
The interdisciplinary LMU Open Science Center (OSC) has the mission to promote and to foster open science practices at LMU Munich and beyond.

Virtual University of Bavaria (VBH)
Extensive (from scientific writing to statistics to conflict management), free course offerings.

LMU Research Funding
The LMU Research Funding Office organizes information events and workshops on the topic of third-party funding.

Human Resources Development KUM
The educational program PersonalEntwicklung of the LMU University Clinic is available for employees only.

LMU University Library
Training courses on literature management programs and scientific research can be attended at the LMU University Library.

Bavarian State Library
The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek regularly organizes introductory courses on how to use the library and on special topics.

Leibniz Computing Center
IT courses can be taken by enrolled doctoral students and employees of the LMU at the Leibniz Computing Center.

IT Department
PhD students and postdocs employed at LMU can attend IT courses offered by the IT Department of LMU.

Digital Humanities Munich
The Network Digital Humanities Munich (.dhmuc) offers events on the topic of Digital Humanities.

Statistical Consulting Lab
The LMU Statistical Consulting Lab offers consulting and courses on statistical issues.

PPCR (Principles and Practices of Clinical Research)
The clinical research training program of the Harvard School of Public Health aims to offer a highly interactive learning environment for clinical research training internationally and to create a global network of clinical researchers to foster future collaboration in clinical research. The program blends live and online interaction via the web and on-site centers. Participants attend weekly three-hour interactive videoconference sessions, which are broadcast live from Boston to centers around the world. Contact of the on-site center at the LMU:

Writing Center
The Writing Center of Faculty 13 of the LMU bundles offers for writing advice and supports students and doctoral candidates in founding writing groups.

Language Center
Enrolled doctoral students can take foreign language courses at the LMU Language Center.

International Office
German courses for international doctoral students and postdocs are offered at LMU by the International Office.

German Courses at the University of Munich e.V.
The institution Deutschkurse bei der Universität München e.V. teaches German as a foreign language.

Career Service
Students and doctoral candidates of all disciplines can acquire additional qualifications for starting a career at the LMU's Career Service.

LMU Entrepreneurship Center
The LMU Entrepreneurship Center offers intensive seminars on entrepreneurship, innovation and business model development.

FUB-ContinuEd - Freie Universität Berlin Continuing Education Program
The Free University of Berlin offers a variety of courses (online and on-site) for doctoral candidates to improve their skillls.

German language Courses
The LMU offers German classes for international students including a discounted rate for students who are matriculated.
Please note that German language courses cannot be part of the mandatory curriculum of doctoral candidates. However, to improve the quality of life in Germany, it is recommended for international candidates to learn some German. 

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