Munich Medical Research School

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Full-Time Research Periods and Training Program

Dr-med-farbigFull-Time Research Periods

Doctoral candidates for the Dr. med. must complete at least 8 months of full-time research or complete an equivalent workload (this must be applied for and granted by the Doctoral Committee before the doctoral candidate and the TAC sign the target agreement). The completion of the research periods are documents in the target agreement, as well as in the log book.

The faculty of Medicine offers an 8-month doctoral fellowships to support doctoral students during their full time research period. The application form has to be submitted in person together with the signed target agreement to the Office of doctoral affairs.

Training Program

The training program accompanying the structured doctoral degree for the Dr. med. encompasses a minimum of 60 hours (lessons à 45 minutes).

25 hours in interdisciplinary courses

At least 25 hours of the required 60 hours are to be in interdisciplinary courses - lectures, seminars, workshops or similar - in relation to "Good Scientific Practice", Statistics, Citation or other relevant topics. The participation in the MMRS lecture series on "Good Scientific Practice" is mandatory (approximately 15 to 20 hours), the remaining hours can be completed by participation in the MeCuM science curriculum, or for example by participation in workshops offered by the LMU's Center for Leadership and People Management.

Information on the MMRS lecture series can be found here.

Further interdisciplinary courses can found on the websites of the

35 hours in research-relevant courses

Further, at least 35 hours must be absolved in research-relevant courses (journal clubs, conferences, methodology courses, etc.). These courses do not necessarily have to take place at the Medical Faculty or at the LMU - participation in external courses is also possible, if respective proof of participation is submitted.

In addition to this training program, your TAC can also ask you to participate in further courses, which will be recorded in the target agreement.

All information on your TAC, the completed training program, the full-time research periods is documented in your personal log book. Please take very good care of this, as you have the only copy and it is mandatory for submission of your thesis.

Please note that any events that are or were taken as part of a degree program and contributed toward achieving another academic degree can neither be counted toward the research-relevant courses nor the interdisciplinary courses of the training program.
